
What do you do when you're discouraged?

How do you react when you are discouraged or hurt? What is your response towards God? Do you suddenly turn into a bitter and rebellious person? What do you do in that moment of despair? One of the things that I started to notice about myself at the end of last year was that I tend to shut down when I'm discouraged. I'm talking about doing any other thing but pray. The Holy Spirit has helped me and is still helping (till this day) regarding that and I'm learning that I cannot allow my emotions to rule over me. I cannot allow my circumstances to distort my image of Who God is, because whether or not things go my way; He never changes. He is still good, still merciful and He still loves me regardless.  Being a Christian does not make one an emotionless being, but it does mean that we handle our emotions differently. What helps me when I feel discouraged is remembering these two things: 1. God still loves me regardless of how I feel in that moment. I can have a desi

I haven't done enough...

There's 4 days left before 2019 ends and it's usually around this time that the "I haven't done enough syndrome" (I made it up 😂) starts to attack. It's when you look back at the months past and you're overwhelmed with feelings of inadequacy.  STOP! Have you considered why you've felt like this? Could it be that you've compared your accomplishments to someone else's? Could it be that the reason why you're feeling this way is because you're secretly competing with person A and you want to outshine them? There could be any reasons.  The "I haven't done enough syndrome" got me and the Holy Spirit quickly revealed to me why I was feeling like this. The reason behind it was that I was comparing my life to other people's lives, specifically those in my age group ( early 20s). I felt as though I had done the bare minimum compared to them, because everything seemed to be 'hunky dory' on their side.   Below are some p


The Holy Spirit laid the word  faithfulness  upon my heart. What is faithfulness? The Oxford dictionary describes it as "remaining loyal and steadfast". Does that sound like a character trait you possess?  Are you faithful with what God has given you? Are you faithful during the tough times? Are you faithful with the little that you have?  If I asked you to rate your level of faithfulness on a scale of 1-10, what would your answer be? Would you confidently answer me with a loud voice saying "It's a ten" , or would you rate yourself highly in order to avoid embarrassment? The truth is that a majority of people are faithful only when its convenient for them. Imagine if that was the case with Jesus. Just imagine if He decided not to die for us on the cross because of the pain He was to endure. The fact that He (Jesus Christ) died on the cross for our sins shows His faithfulness amongst other things; it shows us that He went through great lengths in order to rec

"What do you have?"

Arthur Ashe once said: "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can". I reckon he was a pretty wise man.  It's so easy to focus on the things that you want, rather than on what you already have. I felt discouraged and unsatisfied with certain things in my life for numerous reasons and the Holy Spirit said this to me: "Use what you have". I didn't understand what that meant, but I was reminded of a story in the Bible about a certain widow. Her story is found in 2 Kings 4:1-7. This woman had just lost her husband & was scared that a creditor would turn her two sons into slaves because she had owed him some money. She asked prophet Elisha for help and he asked her a few questions. "What should I do for you?" "What do you have in your house?". That sounds like easy questions right? But how often do we fail to see what we have and we choose to focus on the things we don't have? The woman's

Let them go ...

I've lost a few people in my life not just because of death, but as a result of friendships ending. It's been hard for me to accept and one of the questions that I've asked myself is "What did I do wrong?" After a while the Holy Spirit reminded me of a particular story in Genesis 13. This is the story of Abram and his nephew Lot.  The Hoogsteder exhibition of Dutch landscapes , by Paul Huys Janssen, Peter C. Sutton, Hoogsteder & Hoogsteder, 1991 It was in Genesis 13 that Lot and Abram's herdmen started to fight. This fight was not between the two masters, but their servants. Abram then made a suggestion to solve the problem that they were faced with.  "And Abram said unto Lot, let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren. Is not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou de

Is it okay for Christians to cry?

It's been an overwhelming week & my initial game plan was to just 'suck it up' and get through the week without crying, which actually worked for a while until something happened & I ended crying like a baby 😭. Well... that wasn't part of the plan at all. This made me realise a few things: ▪️ It's okay to cry. This is something that I'm still coming to terms with and what comforted me was the fact that even Jesus wept (John 11:35). Crying does not mean that you're weak. ▪️ If you don't deal with your emotions, then your emotions will deal with you. If I had dealt with those overwhelming emotions earlier on during the week then I wouldn't have broken down. ▪️ I am human & not a robot, which means that there will be things that make me sad at times; things that are sometimes beyond my control and even then my trust must be in Jesus. ▪️There is nothing that I cannot overcome. One of my favorite verses, Philippians 4:13 says "I ca

Your faith is needed ...

Ever felt like your life was dry and that you are not where you should be in life? Well, that was me yesterday. I felt as if I'm behind in life and that nothing major was happening for me, but moments later these questions came to mind: "Are you full of faith?" "Do you believe that God is able? ". That's the same thing that I'm asking you. Those two questions reminded me of the simple fact that God works with our faith (Hebrews 11). We need to continue to believe that God is able to do the impossible because it is through those miracles that God will draw people to Himself. People are watching our lives & our faith is needed to produce testimonies. I wanna challenge you to dream big & believe that God is able to do the impossible. - K 💕