
Showing posts from December, 2019

I haven't done enough...

There's 4 days left before 2019 ends and it's usually around this time that the "I haven't done enough syndrome" (I made it up 😂) starts to attack. It's when you look back at the months past and you're overwhelmed with feelings of inadequacy.  STOP! Have you considered why you've felt like this? Could it be that you've compared your accomplishments to someone else's? Could it be that the reason why you're feeling this way is because you're secretly competing with person A and you want to outshine them? There could be any reasons.  The "I haven't done enough syndrome" got me and the Holy Spirit quickly revealed to me why I was feeling like this. The reason behind it was that I was comparing my life to other people's lives, specifically those in my age group ( early 20s). I felt as though I had done the bare minimum compared to them, because everything seemed to be 'hunky dory' on their side.   Below are some p