
The Holy Spirit laid the word faithfulness upon my heart. What is faithfulness? The Oxford dictionary describes it as "remaining loyal and steadfast". Does that sound like a character trait you possess?  Are you faithful with what God has given you? Are you faithful during the tough times? Are you faithful with the little that you have? 

If I asked you to rate your level of faithfulness on a scale of 1-10, what would your answer be? Would you confidently answer me with a loud voice saying "It's a ten" , or would you rate yourself highly in order to avoid embarrassment? The truth is that a majority of people are faithful only when its convenient for them. Imagine if that was the case with Jesus. Just imagine if He decided not to die for us on the cross because of the pain He was to endure. The fact that He (Jesus Christ) died on the cross for our sins shows His faithfulness amongst other things; it shows us that He went through great lengths in order to reconcile us to the Father (God).

Jesus told a parable in Matthew 25:14-30. This parable is about a master who gave each of his three servants talents according to their ability. One was given 5 talents, the other 2 talents and the last servant received 1 talent. The servants with the 5 and 2 talents traded their talents and got double what they had, however, the servant with the one talent decided to hide his talent.

"And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey." Matthew 25:15 (KJV)

There are a few things that I'd like to bring to your attention: 
  • The master knew his servants which is why he allocated the talents "according to their ability". There was no favoritism involved.
  • The servants had the same master, BUT were all given different talents. This is the same with us because the Holy Spirit gives gifts as He wills (1 Corinthians 12:11). 
  • Each servant had the responsibility to steward the talent that they were each given. The servant with 2 talents couldn't ask the one with 5 talents to look after what he had been given. We need to be responsible for what God has given us.
  •  The master later returned to see what each of his servants had done with what he gave them. This is where faithfulness comes in. Only 2 out of the 3 servants used what they were given. They were faithful in little things and were entrusted with more (vs 19-23).

"His master said to him,‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little, I will put you in charge of many things; share in the joy of your master." Matthew 25:23 (AMP)

A person can say that its just a parable, but the Master is Jesus and when He comes back, He will ask us what we did with what He gave us. So don't be like the servant with the 1 talent, use what God has given you and do not think that what you've been given is insignificant. You might have been entrusted with looking after children, cleaning people's houses or even ushering at your church. David served faithfully under king Saul and years later God promoted him as the king of Israel. Be faithful where you are as long as God has not told you to move from there. Be faithful in the little and watch God entrust you with much more. 

- K💕


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